Christmas around the World in Photos

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I’ve been fortunate to collect a beautiful photo gallery of Christmas lights and traditions from around the world, mainly Europe, Canada, and the USA.

Last updated: March 20, 2025

Christmas around the World Photo Diary - Roads and Destinations
Christmas around the world photo gallery: Dublin, Ireland

Photo Gallery: Christmas Holidays Around the World

As I was scrolling through Christmas photos on the Internet, it struck me how differently this holiday was celebrated depending on where in the world you were. While Australians sunbath to the sound of “Jingle Bells”, Danes dance around Christmas trees in the comfort of their homes. Snow and cold weather outside has no or little effect on their festive moods.

Hindus and Buddhists, on the other hand, don’t do anything special. There is no Christmas shopping and gift exchange during this time of the year for them. And yet, even those people and nations that don’t celebrate Christmas can’t escape it. Most of the time, this holiday comes to their homes through Christmas photo galleries and TV news from around the world.

What does Christmas Mean to Me?

For me Christmas has always been associated with snow, Christmas trees, and wrapped gift boxes. I grew up in a place in Europe that shaped my vision of Christmas not only for my own little home country, but also around the world. With time, the idea of having a lot of gifts underneath the Christmas tree faded away. But the snow and Christmas lights are still alive even if it’s only in my dreams.

After moving to California, my mental image of Christmas has expanded. In the beginning, it was very unsettling not to have the snow for Christmas. We had to drive to the mountains to see this white natural phenomenon that is such an integral part of Christmas for many people in different countries.

This year, however, I spent a few weeks in Europe during the holiday season. And even though there was still no snow in the picture, Christmas spirit hit me early. So early that I put up my Christmas tree as soon as I got back to California.

Christmas Around the World Photo Gallery

I must confess, my Christmas Photo Gallery is a work in progress. I haven’t celebrated Christmas in all countries around the world. The truth is, I can count those places where I experienced the holiday spirit on the fingers of one hand. Nevertheless, this special holiday brings so much joy and happiness, that I can’t help but do something special. And thus, here is my incomplete Christmas around the World Photo Gallery.

Christmas in the Netherlands Photo Gallery

Christmas around the World Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Window shopping in Amsterdam around Christmas
Christmas around the World  - Roads and Destinations
Amsterdam all decked out for Christmas
Christmas around the World Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
More Christmas festiveness in the Netherlands | Christmas around the world in photos

Christmas in Ireland Photo Gallery

Christmas around the World Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Irish capital during the Christmas season | Photo gallery
Christmas around the World Photo Diary - Roads and Destinations
The festive Temple Bar | Christmas around the world in photos
Christmas around the World Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Street buskers
Christmas around the World Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Secluded street at Christmas
Christmas around the World Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Let the season of decoration begin
Christmas around the World Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Festive ambience in the heart of Dublin
Christmas around the World Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Christmas shopping

Winter Holidays in Austria Photo Gallery

Vienna | Roads and Destinations
Maroni time before Christmas in Vienna
Vienna | Roads and Destinations
Winter fun activities in Austria

Christmas Around the World: Snowy California

California | Roads and Destinations
Winter time in sunny California
California, Wanderlust during Coronavirus | Roads and Destinations
Snowy landscape
California | Roads and Destinations
Christmas time in California
California | Roads and Destinations
Simple Christmas in Central California

Christmas in Canada

Canada | Roads and Destinations
The festive Capilano Suspension Bridge during the Christmas season

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