Freezing London: Photos to Inspire You to Visit London

London is pretty chilly all year round: not too hot, not too cold compared to other European cities. A winter visit, however, shows a freezing side of London you’ve never thought about. Check out this London photo diary and plan your winter trip accordingly.

Last updated: March 25, 2025

London's streets - Roads and Destinations
Photo gallery to inspire you to visit London in winter

Freezing London Photo Gallery: Pictures to Inspire You to Travel to London in the Winter

Time flies… I haven’t met a single person who doesn’t use this banal phrase at least once in a while. I’m not an exception. Even though I try to enjoy every moment of my life without feeling any regrets about the time missed, once in a blue moon phrases like “Where did all this time go? Oh, boy, it flies so fast” come out of my mouth.

These two sentences appear in my lexicon more frequently at the end of the year. During this time I tend to meticulously evaluate what was accomplished. Photo diaries become especially useful in reminding me of all the places we visited and reliving some special moments from the past 12 months over and over again.

With that being said, I still get that pinch-me-moment every time our little Freezing London Photo Diary looks back at me from the screen of my laptop.

London Winter Visit: First Impression of the City

We visited the British capital back in early March. It was our first time in London and the country. Although it was officially springtime, freezing London seemed to continue to abide by unwritten laws of cruel winter. It was extremely windy and cold. Freezing London is how the city got to register in my head, and, thus, it became the name of this photo gallery.

Despite the unforeseen weather conditions, the United Kingdom’s main city rewarded us with some of the most cherished memories of the year. We arrived at Heathrow Airport late in the evening. It was snowing. A thin layer of fresh white layer quickly blanketed the streets, cars, and roofs of the building. Oh, not a bad welcome! Totally unexpected, but so lovely!

What was waiting for us less than an hour later, however, was… disappointing. Our hotel room was, to put it nicely, beyond the standards of such a classic city like London.

Two dormitory-look-like beds occupied most of the not particularly clean space. Tiny shelves, a couple of chairs, and a counter desk by a window were pretty much the only furniture in the room. Definitely, it was not the best place to stay or start collecting pieces of our London Photo Diary that could inspire you to travel to the city. Luckily, unlike London, the room was not freezing.

We had two options: to dwell on our feelings of dissatisfaction and let them ruin our vacation or let go of them and enjoy London with its freezing weather despite all the odds. We chose the second.

London, safe destinations to travel to | Roads and Destinations
London is such a classic city

London Is a Dream City

And indeed, all unpleasant images of the hotel vanished as soon as we got outside the next morning. This was London that you see in magazines and movies. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the River Thames, red double-decker buses, the Queen’s Guard – all the places and things you’ve ever wanted to see. The way people dressed, talked, followed rules spoke about British customs and traditions. London was indeed a dream come true despite its freezing weather.

I was staring at London with my eyes wide open and was pressing the shutter button of my camera so often that it probably was the only activity that kept me warm in a sunny, yet super cold city.

Way before our trip to London, we had decided to ditch cabs and instead jump on Hop-on Hop-off city tour busI’m not going to brag how smart we were to do it, but it turned out to be one of the best ways, along with lots of walking, to explore London. It lets us see the best of the city, take ample beautiful pictures for our family photo collection, and stay within our budget.

I hope our photo diary will inspire you to plan your own winter or early spring visit to London. As for now, grab a cup of hot tea to stay warm and cozy while exploring this Freezing London remotely. I’ve added brief comments to this photo diary to make the experience complete.

Our Freezing London Photo Diary to Inspire You to Plan Your Own Winter Trip

Welcome to London | Roads and Destinations
Welcome to London, a city of beautiful architecture!
Welcome to London | Roads and Destinations
Even street signs looked Britishly stylish
London photo tour | Roads and Destinations
Beautiful details on every corner
London photo tour | Roads and Destinations
Window shopping in the center of London
Piccadilly Circus | Roads and Destinations
Piccadilly Circus is one of the busiest places in London
Double-decker buses | Roads and Destinations
London is not the same without its red double-decker buses,
Classic black taxicabs - Roads and Destinations
classic black taxicabs,
Freezing London photo diary | Roads and Destinations
and signature red phone booths.
London photo tour | Roads and Destinations
And, of course, don’t forget the flags!
Freezing London photo diary | Roads and Destinations
Beware. Horses may kick or bite!
The Thames River | Roads and Destinations
The River Thames. As you can see the winter can be freezing in London
London photo tour | Roads and Destinations
London unites people from all over the world
Modern architecture of London | Roads and Destinations
It’s a city with a unique mixture of modern and old architecture.
Old castle in the heart of London | Roads and Destinations
An old castle in the heart of London
Things to do in London - Roads and Destinations
The world-famous London Eye
Westminster Station, safe destinations | Roads and Destinations
Get off at Westminster Station and explore the center of London on foot.
The Big Ben under construction | Roads and Destinations
Big Ben is a must-see attraction even when it’s under construction.
Things to do in London - Roads and Destinations
Same goes for the Palace of Westminster.
Palace of Westminster | Roads and Destinations
The stunning Palace of Westminster
Hyde Park | Roads and Destinations
Kids are kids everywhere, and they like to play. In London, Hyde Park provides a perfect location for outdoor activities.
Things to do in London - Roads and Destinations
Trafalgar Square is one of the favorite places to spend some time with families and friends.
Waiting for our Thames River sightseeing cruise | Roads and Destinations
Waiting for our River Thames sightseeing cruise to start.
Tower Bridge | Roads and Destinations
The iconic Tower Bridge
Things to do in London - Roads and Destinations
The Tower Bridge
Freezing London Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
The River Thames boat tour
Freezing London Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
The National Gallery
Freezing London Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Quirky streets of London
Things to do in London - Roads and Destinations
Hyde Park
Freezing London Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Iconic scenes
Freezing London Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
London in the winter
Freezing London Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Streets of London
Freezing London Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
Window shopping
Freezing London Photo Diary | Roads and Destinations
London photo gallery

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  1. Renuka Walter
    December 14, 2018 / 1:33 am

    Beautiful pictures of London! Love the little details that you have captured.

    • Zhanna
      December 14, 2018 / 7:53 am

      Thank you, Renuka! I couldn’t do otherwise. Small details tell you so much about the place and its customs that they simply can’t be overlooked.

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